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Avoid Accidents

1. This is one of the easiest tasks to accomplish. It requires self discipline!

2. Do not drive impaired. Don't drink alcohol, take drugs, or drive when you're sick.

3. Do not drive distracted. Turn off your cell phone, make sure your makeup is okay before you leave, read your newspaper before you leave, set your radio dial before you leave. In other words, don't let go of the steering wheel to eat, drink, or mess with anything.

4. Do drive in a space cushion. The space cushion leaves you a lot of space in front, a lot of space behind you, and plenty of space on each side. If you do have to maneuver suddenly, there will be plenty of space to do so.

5. Keep your eyes moving. Don't fix your gaze dead ahead and stay with it...check your mirrors often, check your space cushion often. You need to get and maintain a picture of everything that's developing outside the car.

6. Make a habit of using your turn signal. If other drivers understand what you're doing, they're less likely to get in your way.

7. Know your vehicle intimately. How far is the the front bumper from that post or telephone pole? How far does the right mirror stick out? Are the tires aired up properly? When you expect certain performance from your car (a sudden move should happen just like you intend it to) make sure you're familiar enough with the car to get the performance you expect. Make sure the car is serviced properly. Tires, engine, lights, etc.

8. The difficult part: self control. Let people who want to drive faster pass you. Don't worry about showing off. Who cares how fast your car can go? So what if you have to wait an extra light to get through the intersection. If someone blows their horn why not just let them pass? So what if you decide to let the bicycle cross the street? It's no big deal if the truck merges in first. In other words, relax. Driving is not at all about competition.


• "Move to the RIGHT for sirens and lights! (except left side of road countries where you should move to the LEFT)" If you see an emergency vehicle approaching from behind you with lights flashing and siren sounding, move your vehicle to the right, apply your brakes slowly and steadily and be prepared to come to a complete stop. Once all emergency vehicles (there may be more than one) have passed you, return to normal driving.

• Driving too slowly in the "fast lane" is a major cause of others road rage!

• Install software onto your phone that automatically starts when your car starts, and that answers your cell phone calls and texts with a message that you are driving and will get back to that person when it is safe to do so.

• Always wear a seatbelt. If you have other people -or pets- with you in the car make sure everyone has a belt on and the animal is safe. Keep it in back not on the front seat.

• One in ten have slight to severe hearing problems. One in hundreds are deaf. Don't assume that your acoustic signals are heard.

powoerd by: Kalari Infotech Pvt.Ltd.